Monday, July 30, 2012

My Father's Garden

Anyone who knows me knows that I drool over my father's garden.  I mean...the man has been gardening for over 40 years but I still swear that he has magical powers...he claims to sing to his plants.  I think I would pay to see this :). Truth be told, he works hard at it and has a talent for it.  He also happens to have a great creative eye and only a few of the following photos are mine.

Here is Dad enjoying the view he has created.

Dad grows it, Mom helps pick it, Mom and Dad cook it.  Check out Mom's stuffed zucchini from last year if you want a great recipe to use for your bat-sized zucchini :).

I have always loved seeing my Father's gardening sneakers in the background when I take this shot. can see...big shoes to fill.  I am in year four of my journey and I am learning fast.

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