Friday, June 29, 2012


My friends have been asking me about irrigation and those watering globes. The watering globes are beautiful but I find that they clog easily and they may better garden art than they perform any function.  Plus, they only old enough water for a baby planter for perhaps a day. I use wine bottles and beer bottles.  There are always plenty to have after hosting a party, you get to recycle, it creates interest, and the best part, it works.  The magnums hold enough water for a large planter for a few days when it is really hot and longer when the weather is more moderate. The theory is that when the soil is saturated, it expands and takes up more surface area and when the soil is dry, it contracts, hence leading to water escaping from the bottle.  Now, if you are concerned about the same problem with dirt clogging the hole...I find that it is a minor problem.  I wind up with about a quarter of an inch to an inch of dirt at the bottom of the bottle and it doesn't impede the watering process so I could care less.
Basil, cilantro, marigolds, and parsley.  I am thinking that this one may need a little more room. What do you think?    The wine bottle in back of the trellis is my fancy irrigation system.  It looks wine-country sheik and it makes sure that my plants get what they need.  I find it is easiest to fill these bottles with a regular watering can (that does not have the rain head) and it fits perfectly!

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