Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weed identification

The first picture just straight up confuses me. I have no just looks strange. Any help would be wonderful :).

There are some weeds that I have never seen before and some that I am not quite sure are weeds at all. There is this one that grows along my fence-line that I am not sure what the heck it is but it seems to strategically grow so I wonder if it is anything good. Anyone know these? Oh...and if they are just straight up weeds...of course I never let them grow that is a figment of your imagination. If they are something good..then I did it on purpose :).


  1. I have this same plant destroying my life in my back yard! The stem is extremely dense, the root can go very deep, they grow faster than any plant I have ever seen and it keeps coming back in various/ the same places. I have pulled them, hoed them, used pesticides and they still keep returning.If I can't ride myself of them this year I will pave over my backyard!

  2. We have them too!! They are everywhere and get very large, did u ever figure out what it was?

  3. The first is a wild grape. The rest look like poke
